
Sunday, 12 February 2012

My Neck My Back

As I write this at 07:00 on a Sunday morning I am slightly sleep deprived.  I have been on the sofa for three straight nights as my little girl is ill and this has left me with some dull aches in my knee and hip.  The lack of sleep is also telling to I feel as if the world is passing me by in a bit of a hazy state.  This morning comes off the back off another good Wattbiking session last night.  Working still on 30km in around 47 minutes.  We have been concentrating on keep the RPM’s at 90 and also throwing in two sets of 5 minute hard climbs on the maximum hill and fan settings.  It is the third session of the week as I completed one on Monday evening and another on Wednesday night with Mark.  These sessions are standing us in good stead for when the weather picks up and we can venture out on the road.  We will be doing another on Wednesday evening this week and I think we will go out to an hour and a half with some rolling levels to try and simulate the Ireland ride a little.  Also this week I have commuted to Partington and on Thursday I have to say I seriously considered buying a wetsuit after arriving there bedraggled, cold and very very wet.  It wasn’t so much the rain as I had anticipated it and had full waterproofs and a number of layers on, it was the cold.  At one point I did think that my big toes had frozen despite having compression socks and normal socks on.  I had forgotten my overshoes however so this contributed greatly to my feet being drenched a schoolboy error and a feeling that is probably my least favourite thing about cycling.  The weather has been a lot colder this week but in all honesty it hasn’t really troubled me from a temperature point of view.  The only issue really is all of the salt and general crap on the roads for this time of year.  There always seems to be a lot of ‘rubble’ around for some reason during the Winter months.

All in all I have covered some 94 miles this week in one form or another and at this stage of preparation for the Ireland ride I am happy.  It will just be a question of steadily escalating this over the coming weeks and months to hit the 600miles in 8 days test run mid May.

On the fundraising front it has been another very good week for me.  This week people have donated another £83 to take the running total to £470 after seven weeks.  Thanks to everyone who has donated so far it is very much appreciated.  I also have a list of around thirty people who have said they will donate something so please if you have pledged get your donations in!  I will be chasing and mithering people have no fear!   

I have had an interesting time trying to get a back pack sorted out at the local ASDA to raise funds.  After receiving a really nice call from their customer support wishing me luck and giving me the information I needed to get in contact with the ‘Events Coordinator’ at Hulme ASDA I went ahead and called them.  I was told that I would have to write a letter and that we couldn’t arrange via phone or email, even though I was speaking to her on the phone.  After checking that my PC was still at the desk and I hadn’t in fact time travelled back to the 1950’s I wrote my letter and posted it off to the lady at ASDA.  Maybe she just likes to receive post *shrug*.

I am going to sign off for another week there.  Hope you all have a productive one!

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